Case Studies

As soil degradation problems are caused by the interplay of biophysical, socio-economic and political factors, all of which vary across Europe, these problems are by definition site-specific and occur at different scales. Therefore, 17 Case Studies of soil threats are included in RECARE to study the various conditions that occur across Europe and to find appropriate responses using an innovative approach combining scientific and local knowledge.

Click on the map below or links below to find out more about the different Case Study sites.

Case Studies


Case Studies

  • Aarslev, Denmark

    Case Study Experiment - Soil Compaction Case Study - mitigating subsoil compaction by modest wheel loads…

  • Broddbo, Sweden

    Case Study Experiment - loss of organic matter in the organic soil The researchers in…

  • Cànyoles River Basin, Spain

    Case Study Experiment - Mitigating soil erosion in agricultural land The Spanish Case Study tested…

  • Caramulo, Portugal

     Post-fire mulching experiment Case Study Experiment - Soil Erosion Post-fire mulching in forests Burnt areas…

  • Copşa Mică, Romania

    Case Study Experiment - immobilization of heavy metals using soil amendments The researchers tested the…

  • Frienisberg, Switzerland

    Case Study Experiment - Soil Erosion Small dams between ploughing furrows  In Switzerland, the RECARE…

  • Guadiamar, Spain

    Case Study Experiment - reduction in contamination through amendment additions and afforestation The researchers tested…

  • Gunnarsholt, Iceland

    Case Study Experiment - reclamation methods to increase land resilience to soil erosion by wind The…

  • Isle of Purbeck, UK

    United Kingdom Case Study – Loss of soil biodiversity The researchers assessed the long-term effects…

  • Myjava Catchment, Slovakia

    Case Study Experiment - Mitigating muddy floods and soil erosion The researchers in Slovakia conducted…

  • Olden Eibergen, The Netherlands

    Case Study Experiment - increasing or maintaining soil organic matter The RECARE researchers tested the effectiveness…

  • Peristerona, Cyprus

    Case Study Experiment - Soil Erosion Terraces on mountainous agricultural land  The creation of agricultural…

  • Timpaki, Crete

    Case Study experiment - Soil Salinization 1) Application of biological agents to increase crop resistance…

  • Vansjø-Hobøl Catchment, Norway

    Case Study Experiment - Preventing floods and landslides The researchers in Norway tested flood retention…

  • Veenweidegebied, The Netherlands

     Case Study Experiment - decline in organic matter in peat soils The researchers in The Netherlands…

  • Veneto region, Italy

    Case Study Experiment - increasing organic matter with crops and conservation agriculture The Italian researchers…

  • Wroclaw & Poznan, Poland

    Case Study Experiment - Soil Sealing Soil information based spatial planning for soil protection The…

Timbaki, Crete Aarslev, Denmark Wroclaw & Poznan, Poland Canyoles River Basin, Spain Gunnarsholt, Iceland Vansjo-Hobol catchment, Norway Myjava Catchment, Slovakia Veenweidegebied, The Broddbo, Sweden Olden Eibergen, The Netherlands Veneto region, Italy Guadiamar, Spain Copsa Mica, Romania Isle of Purbeck, United Kingdom