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Glaciolacustrine deposits

Material ranging from fine clay to sand derived from glaciers and deposited in glacial lakes by water originating mainly from the melting of glacial ice; many such deposits are bedded or laminated with varves.

Gley soil

Soil formed under naturally wet or waterlogged conditions as evidenced by grey colours stemming from the reduction, under anaerobic conditions, of ferric iron to the ferrous state.

Ground water

That portion of the water below the surface of the ground at a pressure equal to, or greater than, that of the atmosphere. See also water table.


Channel resulting from erosion and caused by the concentrated but intermittent flow of water during and immediately following heavy rainfall; gullies are deep enough (usually >0.5 m) to interfere with, but not obliterated by, normal tillage operations.


Single layer in soil profile with similar properties or material but which differs at least in one property, e.g. colour or texture from adjacent horizons above or below in the profile; diagnostic horizon: Dominant soil property or material defines name of horizon, e.g. gypsic horizon having distinct calcium sulfate (gypsum: CaSO4) enrichment; genetic horizon depending on the type of pedogenesis.


Process whereby the carbon of organic residues is transformed and converted to humic substances through biochemical and abiotic processes.


Organic compounds in soil, exclusive of undecayed plant and animal tissues, their partial decomposition products, and the soil biomass; a term often used synonymously with soil organic matter, its structure is amorphous, specific weight is low and surface area high. Humus is important for soil fertility, and helps to bind soil particles and aggregates together.

Hydromorphic soils

Formed under conditions of poor drainage in marshes, swamps, seepage areas or flats.


Electrically charged atom or group of atoms.


Topography with sinkholes, caves and underground drainage that is formed in limestone, gypsum or other rocks by dissolution (dissolving).

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