RECARE project features on Portuguese national TV

TV itemIn the International Year of Soils, the University of Aveiro and the Municipality of Tondela, participated on October 17th 2015, in the Portuguese TV programme Biosfera XIII ‘Soils – How can we stop the degradation of a non-renewable resource’, highlighting the collaboration between researchers and local stakeholders in the RECARE project. The interview took place in a pine area that had been burned by the 2013 wildfires affecting more 9000 ha in the Caramulo mountains.  The area was selected for the application of a so-called emergency stabilization measure in the framework of PRODER (Rural Development Programme). The specific measure applied at the pine site was the construction of barriers using residues from the post-fire logging.  The measure was selected for PRODER funding following an application by the municipality of Tondela and its local administrative units (freguesias) most affected by the wildfires. The effectiveness of this measure as well as other post-fire soil conservation measures that have been identified and selected in RECARE stakeholder workshops, is being monitored and assessed by the RECARE team of the University of Aveiro.

To view the complete interview, please click here.  The RECARE feature starts are at 19:30.